Course Curriculum

CIA Part 1 Exam Structure 00:15:00
Foundation of Internal Auditing 01:00:00
Foundation of Internal audit Quiz 00:20:00
Independence and Objectivity 01:00:00
Independence and Objectivity Quiz 00:20:00
Auditor’s Proficiency and Due Care 01:00:00
AuditorsProficiency and Due Care Quiz 00:20:00
Governance 01:00:00
Governance. Quiz 00:20:00
Risk Management 02:00:00
Risk Management Quiz 00:20:00
Control Application 01:00:00
Control; Application Quiz 00:20:00
Control Types and Frameworks 02:00:00
Controls: Types and Frameworks Quiz 00:20:00
Fraud Risk and Controls 01:00:00
Fraud Risk and Control Quiz 00:20:00
CIA PART 1 -Mock Exam 02:30:00
CIA Part 1 Mock Exam 2 02:36:00

KAPP Edge Solutions

KAPP Edge is a premier professional body dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations with the knowledge, skills, and credentials necessary to excel in the fields of forensic accounting, cybersecurity, and compliance.

Our  vision is to make Kapp edge as a top-tier education and certification programs that are both relevant and impactful.

“KAPP Edge is a group company of GAFA.”


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